Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) courses.

At Brighton Aviation we offer Private Pilot’s Licence courses.  The EASA PPL requires a minimum of 45 hours of training flight time.

For the flying we have a Piper Warrior PA 28-161 Mk 3 available for the PPL training.  We have internet access for weather and NOTAM pre flight preparations.

You do not need any prior flying time.  From your very first lesson we will take you through the course, building your skills to make you a safe and competent pilot.

Pre course requirements

You must be a minimum of 17 years old to obtain your licence (you may start training from the age of 14 and solo at 16).  You will need to hold a Class 2 Medical Certificate prior to flying solo.

You can obtain a Medical Certificate by attending an appointment with an Aero Medical Examiner (AME) and we will tell you how to arrange this when you start your course.

What the Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) entails

The PPL syllabus includes both practical flight training (a minimum of 45 hours of flight time) and ground based study culminating in 9 ground exams.  The ground exams are not difficult using the study guides which are available for purchase at the club.

The course comprises a minimum of 45 hours flight time.  The first part of the course involves general handling building up to circuit training where you will learn how to land the aeroplane.  When your instructor feels you are ready, he will send you on your first solo flight, this is an event you will never forget !

The next part of the course involves navigation where you will go to other airports, such as Goodwood, Lee on Solent, Lydd and Southend, initially with your instructor followed by flights to these airports solo and culminating in a Qualifying Cross Country flight.

Thereafter you will undertake some revision in preparation for your final flight test.

We can say, without hesitation, that you will find training for your Private Pilot’s Licence one of the most fun, sometimes challenging, but ultimately rewarding experiences of your life!

What else we offer

If you have a pilot’s licence and are considering extending your knowledge we offer the opportunity for you to add an IR(R) formerly known as the IMC rating or Night Rating.

In addition our CAA Examiner can carry out re-validations and renewals as well as the PPL Skill Test.